Most of you know that I attend a couple of teleseminar classes every month with 2 of my favorite mentors. One of last month's discussions led to the topic of having a "Mailbox to GOD". Since the teleseminar session ended I have been thinking that I want to write a post about it. Time slipped away from me and I never did sit down and take the time to write.
Then, 2 weeks ago our beloved Roxy passed. Roxy was our 5 1/2 yr old Rottweiler. I got her when she was only 10 weeks old and soon found out that she had a very serious heart condition, so serious that the Vet could not guarantee me that she would live 4 months. We were all very thankful that Roxy was able to be with us for as long as she was, but my heart literally felt like it was broken. It was a pain that I had never felt before in my 32 years of life. Every time I thought about her I would cry. This went on for 3 days straight. On the 3rd day I made the decision to pull myself together. I couldn't keep crying in front of my children. My 3yr old son would say "Mommy are you whining about Roxy again?". I took some time to figure out what would make me and my heart feel better. Then I remembered the post I was wanting to write about the "Mailbox to GOD". I figured the idea sounded great when it was presented to me, so I should put the theory to the test.
I sat down with a notebook and pen and wrote Roxy & God a letter that explained how much I loved her. I talked about how I picked her out of all the others. I had went to several breeders. I told her how I knew I was meant to be her "owner" because I would love her and give her a good life regardless of her heart condition. I told her how I loved the way she looked after all the kids in the neighborhood and how she was the perfect family dog. And how much Xavier & Madison loved and missed her. The letter ended up being 4 pages front and back. When I was done writing I pulled the pages out of my notebook and folded it envelope style. Then, I addressed it "To: Roxy/God" "Love: Mommy xoxo". I left it on the corner of the coffee table and walked away.
My husband asked if he could read it and I told him "yes and then make it disappear". After writing my letter I instantly felt better, I was smiling again. The next day I could talk about her with people at work and the neighbors without crying. I could actually feel happy when I talked about her and feel the gratitude that I knew I should feel for being able to have her for the 5 1/2 years of life she was given.
The simple act of writing that letter took me from being an emotional wreck back to the "cup is half full" perspective.
In our original discussion, we were told to use an actual box to put the letter in to signify the "mailbox". It could be a decorated shoe box or it could be an elaborate hand carved wooden box, or anything in between. I have found a few very nice wood carved boxes at World Market for less than $20. I have not made my final decision and made a purchase yet, but I am narrowing down my choices. I have had some other ideas; like labeling the outside of the letters as "private" or "public" to indicate if anybody else should read them or not. When we get our "mailbox" it will be my job to make the letters that Rod writes disappear and it will be his job to make the letters that I write disappear. These are just technicalities and really it's the actual act of writing that releases, almost instantly, the emotions that are causing the problems.
I hope that everybody that reads this can benefit from this simple technique. It really works and it works so fast, it is amazing.