Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Day That Turned My Life Around

Everybody has one of those "light bulb moments" on occasion. I remember the day clearly. I was in Chicago for a 3 day stock market trading conference and one of my instructors hit a nerve. He had just given us a list of books he wanted us to read and a "homework assignment". Then he said "I can almost guarantee that more than half of you will not follow through with the work I just gave you." And then he said something to the effect of "that is what separates the winners from the losers."

Well you better believe what he said hit a nerve with me, I didn't want to be a "loser". I started thinking about the assignment, which he gave us a week to finish and email to him. I thought about it the whole flight home and made the the conscious decision to follow through.

First thing Monday morning I logged onto amazon and ordered every book that he suggested (some trading related and a few personal development related). Then I sat on the couch for a good 30 minutes thinking about the assignment some more. He had challenged us to write 2 vision statements: "The Perfect Day of Work" and "The Perfect Day of Play". Sounds easy enough, right? Well once I got my vision focused and was able to pin point exactly what would make "the perfect day of work/play" it was easy. The first 3 or 4 sentences were the hardest and the rest just flowed. Once I got in the zone it was hard to stop.

The second part of the assignment was to actually read them over and over again, he recommended every morning and every night. I found myself getting excited every time I read my vision statements and eventually feeling like they were real life. The trick was to write in the present tense as if I was writing about my life at that very moment.

I will be 100% honest with you and tell you I kind of got freaked out when I started believing what I wrote to be true. My actions and routines actually started to change. I began getting better results and life became happier, healthier, and more abundant.

Many books later, I now know that the sub-conscious mind can not differentiate between the truths and the tales that the conscious mind tells it. The sub-conscious mind just takes all the information and processes it all as reality. What a great thing to know. If you want to change your reality, all you have to do is change your thinking !! Why didn't I learn this in school? I can only imagine where I would be now if someone would have explained this to me when i was 10 yrs old. It is like a magical power that we all have and most of don't even know about it.

I challenge you to go ahead and put your vision statements on paper or even post it here. And read it twice a day, morning and night, for 30 days. You will be truly amazed. I promise.


Unknown said...

Ya know what? Good for you! I am very proud of you! I will do my best to read your blog everyday, learn from it myself, and I am always looking at ways to improve myself. I know if I improve myself, & my ways of thinking, become a more positive person, it rubs off on my family, and I'll attract other positive people into my life as well such as friends, & clients. So my dear friend, & neighbor I am accepting your challenge. Good luck & God Bless!
Love you!

Tonya said...

congrats on being the first to post a comment!!! once i get xavier down for his nap i will be posting my "perfect day of work" vision statement to the blog as a model for people to follow.

Anonymous said...

Hey there...I LOVE this idea! I am actually going through something like this myself. I read the book the NEW EARTH talks all about the ego and subconcious mind...read it and the book EAT, LOVE, PRAY...the lady in the book did the same thing she was on a journey of life and to find out who she really was. This is an amazing thing- the secret relates to this alot! I will def. check out your blogs every day and I will write some of my visions soon. I wish you told me about this before and we actually had some personal discussions about it- I am sure they would have been great. Keep going...love ya :)

Anonymous said...

P.S....my sister-in-law does this kind of stuff. She is a life coach and owns www.mothersandmenus.com in NY and does new letters check her out. Karen Gurwitz- she has a book out too on AMAZON for healthy eating.

Tonya said...

is that your brother's wife that I met at your wedding? or jeff's sister?
i will check it out
thank ;-)

Anonymous said...

It is my brother Dori who spoke at the wedding it is his wife- they have the 3 beautiful kids with baby blue eyes and dark hair.