Friday, January 16, 2009


One of the surefire ways to attract more happiness into our lives it to give it to somebody else first. Remember, the Universe works like a boomerang; what we put out or give we get back in return (amplified). One of the most precious gifts that we can give is appreciation. It is funny how something so valuable is also so affordable, the only cost is time.

Think back to the last time you really appreciated somebody who deserved it. It could of been a friend or relative or even the bagger at the grocery store. Do you remember how "big" and expanded it made you feel to give that bit of appreciation to somebody else? As we give appreciation and kindness to others we attract more things to appreciate into our lives.

Here's an experiment I want everybody to do;
1.) take a 3x5 index card & draw 10 squares on it
2.) in each square write the name of somebody you are going to appreciate
3.) as you appreciate each person you can put a check by their name or color in their box
4.) appreciation ideas include: a phone call, an email, sending a card with a note, a lunch date, a surprise visit (with an explanation of why you appreciate them), a solid handshake and a "THANK YOU", etc....
5.) try to fill the card as quickly as possible and then start on a 2nd index card with different names.....when the second card is filled start a 3rd...keep doing this for 30 days (or longer if you want)
6.) ideas of people to appreciate; spouse, children, parents, siblings, neighbors, best friend from high school, your boss, your high school chemistry teacher, your children's bus driver, the soccer coach, the crossing guard, the cook at your favorite restaurant, the list can go on and on....the more you think, the more people you can come up with....try to focus on the "little" people who may get overlooked and under appreciated on a daily basis.....this will put a smile on their faces (and yours)

****guaranteed to bring happiness into your life before day 30****


Anonymous said...

I love how you encourage people to build on the happiness of others. This is certainly an uplifting exercise which triggers a domino effect. The practical exercise you suggest is also sending out positive vibes. As we choose to think, feel and act, we can also become aware that the energy we send out affects what reflects back from the universe. May your life experience continue to be enriching. Your writing sparks curiousity and stimulates the mind.

Tonya said...

Thanks for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate it. I can't wait to have a few moment to read your blog, it looks very interesting. Together we can unite and make this world a more positive & peaceful place.
much love