We all know that the Law of Attraction states that "like attracts like". This means we are attracted to people who match our vibrational field. Knowing this, how do we use the Law of Attraction to "attract" better relationships into our life?
There are a few simple strategies we can use on a daily basis that will raise our vibration and raise the quality of our relationships. Lets start strategy #1 by making a list of all the qualities we would find in our perfect friend. By make a list, I actually mean make a list and write it on paper. We may want to be friends with somebody who is honest, loyal, ambitious, smart, passionate, friendly, motivated, etc... Now take a look at the list and see how many of these qualities you already posses. Which areas could you use a little help. The best way to attract people into your life with the qualities your looking for is to practice refining these very qualities in yourself. Remember "like attracts like". So if you are snobby, materialistic, and self-centered what type of friends do you think you will attract? On the other hand, if you are kind, loving, generous, and friendly what type of friends do you think you will attract?
Strategy #2 involves using James A Ray's strategy of aligning attention with intention. This is like tending to a garden. Whatever you give attention to grows and flourishes. If you are constantly complaining to yourself or other people about the quality of your friends, you are in turn giving attention to how bad the relationship is and in return you will get more of the "bad". On the other hand, if you focus on the great qualities each friend has while over looking the bad you will notice that you will begin to see more of the good. Everybody has at least a few great qualities within them. Once again, like attracts like, so the more you focus on the good the more good there is to focus on.
Strategy#3 calls for you to evaluate where you are spending your free time. Where do you like to hang out? Are you spending a lot of free time in bars, finding friends there, and later complaining that they are too rowdy and drink too much? If you want to find friends that are inspiring, you must first figure out what inspires you and find a group of like minded people to hang out with. If you are interested in art, join an art club. If you are interested in politics and community relations start going to your local city council meetings. If you are interested in helping others, find a charity that inspires you and join their fundraising committee. I am not saying that it is totally impossible to find good quality friends sitting at a bar at 2am, but your chances are better if you look somewhere else.
Using these strategies may feel a little uncomfortable at first and that is okay. Growing is supposed to be challenging. When we chose the comfortable route we do not grow and we all know that "if we're not growing we're dying". Again think of a garden, when the gardener stops tending, the plants stop growing, and soon they begin to die. It is a simple fact of life. We must stay challenged to evolve and grow. Challenge yourself to fit your "perfect friend" profile, challenge yourself to stop complaining and focus on the good, and challenge yourself to join a club, commitee, or group that inspires you.
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