Have you ever heard the saying; "When the student is ready the teacher will appear"? Today was an example of how that saying rings true. Many of you know that on the first and second Wednesday of each month I attend a 60-70 minute live teleconference with one of my mentors. A few days before the teleconference a group of us receive an email asking if we have any particular questions that we would like answered. The mentor selects 4 or 5 of the questions that are relevant to the day's topic of discussion and tries to answer them in detail.
One of the questions today was "How do I use the law of attraction to help me lose weight?" The funny thing about this topic is one of my very good friends, we will call him CW, has recently expressed his intention to lose 100.6 lbs making his goal weight 225lbs. My friend has struggled with his weight for the better part of his life, with an all time high of 364 lbs. I feel like this topic was discussed today for a reason and that is why I am sharing it. This post is dedicated to my good friend CW. You know you have my support, you are an awesome person and you deserve nothing but the best. The "best" includes being happy and healthy.
The first thing I learned today was that we set ourselves up for failure when we want to "lose" weight. When we "lose" something our subconscious mind will actually set forth motions for us to get it back. Our subconscious mind is so good at getting things back for us that we actually end up gaining back all the weight that we lost and then a few extra pounds for good measure. Instead of wanting to lose weight we should set a goal to achieve health and our ideal weight. It is better to have an actual number to focus on. So my friend, CW, should focus on his goal weight of 225lbs instead of the 100.6 lbs that he wants to lose.
Secondly, we must use the power of the conscious mind to trick the subconscious mind. From previous posts you may remember me telling you that the subconscious mind does not know the difference between fact and fiction. It just takes the info given and processes it all as truth. So how can this help with weight loss, or shall I say ideal weight achievement? Find an image of a person whose body you desire, a fitness or health magazine is a good place to look. Now cut the picture out and replace the head with a picture of your head. Hang it up in a place where you will see it often; your bathroom mirror, the dashboard of your car, or maybe even the ceiling above your bed. Focus on this image several times each day and feel the way you will feel when you reach your ideal weight. Try to get emotions involved, feel the lightness in your heart and joy it will bring you when you are truly healthy. The more you focus on the image and bring about these happy emotions the faster your subconscious mind will start presenting opportunities for you to make healthy changes in your daily habits.
Another thing that was recommended today was to take a piece of paper and write your ideal weight in bold numbers. Take that piece of paper and tape it to your scale. Every morning step on the scale and as you look down to see the weight you can only see your ideal weight. NO peaking under the paper to see what the scale "really" says, just know and believe that your ideal weight is there.
The last thing I learned today was that often times we need to look inside ourselves to find the true reason for our weight problem. It is true that some people are just genetically predispositioned to be heavier, but sometimes there is a psychological reason for the weight gain. For example, if a woman was sexually assaulted as a teenager and is struggling with her weight in her 30's there may be a connection. When the assault happened she subconsciously made the decision to be less attractive to keep predators away. Now she is older and ready to find a mate, but the subconscious mind is still in defense mode and trying to protect her. The only way to overcome this psychological block is to address it and tell yourself it is okay to be thin. The past is in the past and it is time to let go and stop the cycle of self-sabotage. There are many reasons why people may be subconsciously using weight as a protection barrier, it is up to each person to look within themselves to find the answer and let it go.
CW, I hope you find this post helpful. You know I love you, you are my friend and I want nothing but the best for all my friends. Cheers to a journey of good health and ideal weight. A recorded version of our teleseminar is available for download for $10, if you are interested let me know and I will email you the link privately. And of course, I will still donated $100.60 to the charity of your choice once your have met your goal, but instead of focusing on losing 100.6 lbs we are going to focus on achieving your ideal weight of 225lbs. I love you, you have my support every step of the way.
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