Somehow I managed to completely lose my voice and was unable to go to work on Monday, which in turn gave me a little extra time to fix up the blog. I added a few affiliate links to the James Arthur Ray website. Some of you may recognize him from The Secret and some of you may have no clue who he is, and that's okay.
Remember when I said there is a "scientific" side to all this positive living/law of attraction stuff? Well James Arthur Ray is my favorite when it come to the science. I was lucky enough to be able to attend a Harmonic Wealth Symposium about 2 months ago and it was awesome! While I was there I picked up "The Science of Success" book and was able to get it signed. I also purchased the "Harmonic Wealth" DVD which is also great!
You may notice that I am a little biased when it comes to James Arthur Ray and Jim Rohn. That is simply because they are my favorite. There are lots of good mentors out there and you may find someone that you like better, but in my book James Arthur Ray and Jim Rohn tie for the #1 slot.
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