Wednesday, October 15, 2008

You Are What You Think....

Lets face it, we all know "that person", the one who can light up a room with a simple smile. The one who can always see the positive side of every situation. Their glass is always half full. They are always healthy. They love their life and everything about it.

What type of thoughts do you think go through "that person's" mind on a regular basis? Do you think they are wasting time pondering the state of the economy? Or better yet, do you think they lay in bed half awake at night wondering why the boss favors their coworker? Chances are those thoughts do not step foot in the mind of "that person" at all. "That person" knows those thoughts are a waste of their time and they are not willing to make room for them in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Now on the other hand, we all know "that person's" polar opposite. The person with the Eeyore personality, as a friend recently put it. They mope around waiting for someone to notice the cloud of gloom over their head. They always seem to be the first one in the office to get sick. There is always some sort of tragedy happening in their life. They are always broke and nothing ever goes right for them.

The law of attraction is so simple. It says "like attracts like". We all learned this in our forth grade science class. Think of 2 magnets attracting to each other. When you think positive thoughts you attract more positive energy towards yourself. Which gives you more positive thoughts. When you think negative thoughts you are sabotaging yourself by attracting more negative energy towards yourself. It is plain and simple. If you complain you will be "rewarded" with more things to complain about and nobody wants that.

Try thinking positive thoughts. Look at your self in the mirror and say "I really look good today". Remember, you are what you think. Think happy, joy, health, prosperity, and all the other things you want. And you will soon have it. I will say it again, you are the boss of yourself. You are in control of your thoughts, which means you are in control of your life. You are driving your own bus, as James Ray would say.

First thing in the morning, after the alarm goes off, I want you to think of 10 things that you are grateful for. This is hard for me since I'm, by nature, not much of a morning person, but it gets easier with practice. The 10 things can be anything and if you are reading this and saying to yourself that you don't have 10 things to be grateful for, then I will tell you to think of 20! The mere fact that you woke up, the fact that you have electricity to plug your alarm clock into, your toothbrush, running water, clean socks, the list could go on forever.

This little exercise will get you in the right mindset for having a positive day. Now I want you to keep your back straight and stand up tall, not for the first hour of the day, but all day. And I want you to smile at at least 5 people before you eat lunch. It doesn't matter if they are strangers, friends, coworkers, etc. Just do it, not for them, but for yourself. It has been proven that the mere act of smiling can change a persons attitude from grumpy to happy with little effort.

Now after lunch try to get 5 more smiles in before you get home. When you get home, resist the temptation to complain about your day. Try to find 1 good thing to talk about and if you just can't bring yourself to find something positive to say about your day, then ask someone else to tell you something positive about their day and leave your day out of the conversation entirely.

Before you go to bed run a new list of 10 thing you are thankful for and of course read your vision statement. This gives your subconscious mind something positive to work on all night while you sleep. The subconscious mind is the most powerful part of your being, give it something positive to work on before bed and you are almost guaranteed a good morning.

I want you to really try this for 30 days and see how you feel. If you don't feel better about yourself and your current situation, I will say you did not really do the exercise. Cheating on this exercise will not get you the results you're looking for.

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