As a few of you know, I have been dealing with a battle in my head for the last week or so; "To
Holosync or not to
Holosync?" I have asked some of you your opinions and have even contacted
Centerpointe directly with some questions that I have. I love the idea of an audio program that puts your brainwaves in a meditative state.
In order to have true harmony within ourselves, we have to have a healthy balance between mind, body, and spirit. Spiritual wellness is the hardest to define. You may find that for yourself spirituality is defined by going to church and/or praying. I personally disagree. I know plenty of people who go to church on a regular basis and they are not spiritual at all. I also know a handful of people who rarely go to a formal church but are deeply spiritual.
For me the definition of spirituality is more of a feeling of oneness with a higher power. It's a very intimate connection with our creative force that can not be described with words. It's a calming sense and knowing that there is a greater good for all of us.
When I presented my question; "To
Holosync or not to
Holosync?" I already knew I was going to purchase some sort of audio meditation program, the question was which one. If you do a little research you will find that there are numerous programs available and most of them are a little less expensive than
Holosync. My debate was; Is
Holosync worth the extra money? Has Bill Harris really given that much more value to his system than all the others?
Here is my conclusion: Yes, I truly think Bill Harris has created a superior product. After reading "Thresholds of the Mind", a few times. And after reading numerous testimonials of people that have used
Holosync. I am certain that the availability of the
Centerpointe support team alone is worth the extra money.
The majority of us live our lives in a fairly unconscious state the most of the time. What meditation does is bring us out of that daze and make us more aware of life and everything happening in it. The problem with becoming more aware is that sometimes our new awareness can cause upheaval. When our mind/brain is pushed to a new threshold, if you will, it can cause some discomfort, anxiety, and the feeling of overwhelm until we actually push through that threshold and reorganize ourselves. The
Centerpointe team is available via email and phone to help with these times.
The benefits of meditating, whether you use the traditional method or a brain wave altering audio program are the same. I personally do not have the "free" time to spend trying to get to "that" state of meditation that everybody is looking for. The scientifically devised audio tones of the
Holosync program takes the listener's brainwave pattern from an unbalance primarily beta state to a bilaterally balanced state consisting of less beta and more alpha, delta, and theta.
I don't want this to get to confusing, for most of us our brains are in a constant state of unbalance and we are over run by the beta waves. When and if we get both hemispheres of the brain synchronized we become more balanced as a person. The presence of less beta waves and more alpha, delta, and theta causes greater creativity, a heightened sense of intuition, higher intelligence, a feeling of oneness, the ability to feel more joy and happiness, the diminish of fears and worries, the benefits are endless.
There have been studies done where some of the greatest Yogi
meditaters have been hooked up to an EEG while meditating. Their results were compared to that of the
Holosync meditater while listening to the audio program. The similarities between the brainwave patterns are uncanny. In the same study they also compared the EEG results of common people whom had never used any type of meditative practice. You can probably guess what their EEG looked like, an unbalanced mostly beta mess.
I hope that any of you who are serious about making yourself stronger, happier, healthier, etc... will at least take my recommendation and get the free demo CD and make your own decision from there. I think I have stated my case well enough. I feel comfortable with my decision to use
Holosync and think it is the wisest choice.
Centerpointe also offers a full 1 year money back guarantee. I have heard that most of the people who return the program do so because they think it works too fast and they are not ready for the changes to occur (some people define themselves with their misery and fear if they learn to let go of it they will also lose themselves or their identity in the process). I will keep you updated as changes evolve.
Since I do not want to experiencing an "upheaval" while visiting my Grandparents, I have decided to wait to place my order until I get back from New York (mid-February). I will let you know when it arrives.