Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How to Take Advantage of the "Winter"

As most of you know, Jim Rohn is one of my favorite authors when it comes to personal development. In many of his books and audio programs he talks about the "seasons" of life. By "seasons" he means the natural cycle. Or the "Law of Rhythm" as James Ray calls it. However we choose to define it, it is safe to say that most of the world has been in a sort of "winter" for the last 10-14 months. How do we stay positive and make the most of our "winter"?

James Ray says we need to "recognize the winter time as a gift". Some may say "How can I call losing my job a gift?" or "How is getting my hours cut a gift?" It is simple. What doesn't kill us will only make us stronger. It is silly not to think there is a force stronger than ourselves guiding us through this journey called life. Things happen for a reason. When something really bad happens we have to assume that there is also something really great about to happen also.

The "winter" is a time to feed our minds. Find something you want to learn about and take a class, read a book, listen to some audio, or watch a DVD about the topic. Invest in yourself, invest in your mind, and invest in your future. The seeds that we plant now determine what we will reap in our next "spring". Take the "gift of winter" and find out what inspires you. Spring is on its way.

It is important to control our focus. We can choose to focus on the "lack" , which creates anxiety and various other negative emotions. Or we can choose to focus on the "opportunity", which creates a feeling of abundance and other positive emotions. From my previous posts you know that emotion creates motion. Emotion sets the law of attraction in motion to create more of what we are "emotional" about.

Spring is coming, it always comes. Be ready to leap forward and achieve your goals.


Anonymous said...

I definitely agree that difficult times are times that provide us the opportunity to slow down, relook and renew. We have a choice to either merge stronger from adversity or beat ourselves up over and over again. I prefer to take the first choice.

Winter times can also be times of endless business or work opportunities, if we only care to look.

Tonya said...

I couldn't agree with you more. My favorite saying is; "you are the boss of yourself". It is up to us to choose our feeling and reactions to every situation we encounter. There is a positive side to every situation, we just need to choose to focus on it.

By the way, I love your blog. You have some really great posts.