Monday, October 13, 2008

Andrea's Tip of the Day

#2 Learn from your mistakes;
Realize that all things of value, great or small, were created from accumulated wisdom. To get that wisdom, one must have experiences. And some of those experiences have to be failures- which make you stronger and smarter for next time. Mistakes are useful... if you learn from them. Have this attitude and you'll never be ashamed to try.

Have you ever known someone who was so affraid to fail that they never tried anything new? In my 31 years of life on this earth I can think of a few people who fit that mold. They didn't "grow" because they never reached out to grab that new idea. The only way to learn how to do something right, is to first do it wrong and learn from the experience. A perfect example of this is the first time I tried to drive a standard shift transmission. Believe me, it was not pretty! The gears were grinding, we all got a mild case of whiplash, and I think I was crying. But after a few (well maybe more than a few) tries I finally got it and now it is second nature.

We should all take every opportunity to learn something new and when we mess it up that's all the more reason to try again just a little harder.

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