Thursday, October 30, 2008

Knowing You Are FABULOUS is Key

Lets face it, the mere fact that anyone of us is here right now is amazing! Conception it's self is a miracle. Think about it for a moment. How amazing is it that a sperm can even find an egg to fertilize. Then cells divide and multiply until the embryo turns into a baby! The miracle of life truly is a MIRACLE!

After surviving the first 40 weeks of gestation, things don't get much easier. Our heads are so heavy that we can't hold them up. We are unable to walk and unable to communicate in a language that is easily understood by our parents. Our well being was totally dependant on the people around us. Yet, we have all survived. We learned to walk, feed ourselves, communicate, read, and even drive a car. It is simply amazing!

Now, don't you feel important? Once you realize what an amazing creature you are you will start feeling more valuable. When you start knowing you are fabulous you will permeate positive energy. Positive people will feel this positive energy and be attracted to you. People will know you are important when you know you are important.

The next time you are feeling down on yourself take a moment and remember what a fabulous miracle you are.

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