Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Andrea's Tip of the Day

#3 Give yourself and extra month each year to reach your goals.
To get it, simply eliminate the false tyrannical mindset of "not enough time." Get up an extra half-hour early, or go to bed a half-hour later each night.
(When you exercise better, eat better, and have positive reiforcing thoughts, you may find you can do with a half-hour less sleep!)
Use that time to either work on your goal or on yourself. It may not be much time in and of itself, but it sure adds up. A half-hour extra, six days a week is three hours a week. Thats 166 extra hours or more than 4 forty hour work weeks extra per year.

This is interesting.....a whole month extra just by taking an extra 30 minutes per day!!!! What if we cut out 30 minutes of tv everyday plus added another 30 minutes to either the beginnning or end of each day, we would have 8 weeks of time to spend on bettering ourselves!!

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