Monday, October 6, 2008

Some Ideas

I'm sure most of you have a nice sized list of things you want on your vision boards. I'm going to briefly review some of the items we have put on our board to help spark some more ideas for you. I think it is important to remember that there are no limits, these are things you want. Remember not to limit yourself to what you think you should want or what you think you can have at this moment. It is also important to remember that everything that you want is not material, ie love, health, family, wisdom, joy, & happiness to name a few.

Powerful words like these are the true motivators in life. Sure a new car or a fancy watch may motivate you for a while, but trust me when I say that motivation driven only by material possessions will soon fizzle out. You need to find somethings that are heartfelt. I'm going to say it again at the risk of sounding redundant, but you need these things to spark emotions or a burning desire. Get yourself a good foundation, something stable that wont change with the seasons. It is probably safe to say that your family, your health, and happiness are good starters. Chances are when the next new trend in fashion comes in the value you put on your family, your health, and your happiness will not be effected. This is what I mean by a good foundation, something that your will always want regardless of circumstances, something that comes from the soul. I don't want you to put time and effort into creating a vision board only to feel uninspired by it in 6 months when the trends have changed.

Once you have your foundation laid you can start adding the "pretties". By "pretties" I mean the things that will make your life more comfortable and fun. Like the car, the jewelry, the shoes, the furniture, the vacations, ect...

My favorite thing on our vision board is the family picture. We have it centered on the top. Then we have our favorite words that I mentioned last night placed on each side. It is kind of like a banner heading.

The next things we have are a few quotes; "All that we are is a product of what we have thought" by Buddha and "all power is from within" from a source I can not remember, I think I got it from The Secret. These quotes are powerful and timeless. They reinforce the power of the vision board and the vision statement. And they help redirect our energy when we are feeling unfocused and tired.

The next most important things we have on our board are the symbols we have picked to depict our health. Since we feel that the body is the outward expression of our inner health, we found pictures of a male and a female that symbolize good health. In order to have these bodies we must be in outstanding health. A friend actually suggested that we attach our own heads to the pictures, since we have cut off the original head only to display the bodies from the shoulders down. This is a great idea and I plan to do it. It is easier to visualize yourself with a certain body when you see your head sitting on its shoulders.

The 4th most important thing on our vision board is the floor plans for our home renovations that I actually drew myself. Like writing a vision statement, the hardest part was drawing the first couple lines, then the rest just kind of flowed. This took time and careful planning. We figured out what we loved about our house and what changes were needed. We also visited many model homes to get design ideas. I have heard and read that ideas and visions drawn out by yourself are more powerful than things that have been cut and pasted. I think there is some merit in this thought. We had initially had a picture brochure of floor plans of a house that we liked, but it just wasn't cutting it for me. When I looked at the brochure I had a hard time remembering what I had seen. Eventually I forgot what the house even looked like and became uninspired by the brochure all together. That is when I decided to grab the paper, pencil, and ruler and go to work. I tell you what, the image of our revised floor plans are so vivid in my mind that I can see them without looking. I can actually just walk through our house in it's current state and visualize the way it will be.

Finally, the rest of our board is filled with our goal list for the year of 2008 and numerous pictures of items we want, the "pretties" as I called them previously. There's a few pictures of some Tiffany jewelery, some furniture, a couple cars, a swimming pool, and so on. These add some color and excitement and they can be easily changed when and if our preferences change.

I hope this post will help all of you create a powerful, meaningful, and inspiring vision board. Please feel free to discuss your ideas and questions in the comment section at the bottom of this post.


Anonymous said...

sorry re-posting this from the previous thread so you will see it.....

i am new here, got your link from a friend of a friend (hope u dont mind)
i just want to say that this stuff is amazing, you are answering questions that i have had for a while.
ur friends are lucky to have someone like you who will take the time to explain this stuff to them. i hope u dont mind if i hang around and read your posts everyday.

Anonymous said...

I am new too and I think this blog is awesome!!!! I find myself eagerly waiting for your next post.
thanks for all your time and effort!!!

Joyce A. Schwarz, Editor and Blogger said...

Hi, would you like a blogger copy of the book THE VISION BOARD by Joyce Schwarz pub date 10/28/08 we can get one to you -- and it explains lots more about why vision boards work! Email And your readers can sign up for a free newsletter at tx