Friday, October 17, 2008

"Put Your Own Oxygen Mask on First"

By now some of you may be starting to realize that all this personal development stuff is a lot of work and kind of time consuming. You may be wondering how and/or why I put so much time and energy into it, especially with 2 babies. I will tell you "Yes it is a lot of work, but it is all worth it".

I'm going to paraphrase Jim Rohn for a moment, he says when you are on an airplane and they are doing their emergency preparedness speech they always tell you if the plane starts to go down you need to put your own oxygen mask on first. Then you can help your children and the people next to you. Think about it, "put your own oxygen mask on first". You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others, even your own children! It's that a novel idea. I'm sure you can think of some real life examples demonstrating how this principle rings true.

When you are relaxed, happy, and healthy your response time is much quicker. When you feel good about yourself you can be a better parent, spouse , and friend. It is easier to give of yourself when you feel complete and energized. If you work hard on yourself everybody around you benefits, your positive energy will radiate off you and make the people around you feel good too. Wanting to be a happy and healthy member of society is not a selfish act at all.

On the other hand, if you are always giving and doing for everyone around you and never take the time to take care of yourself, it will not be long before you are warn out and tired. You will probably get depressed and possibly sick and then you will not be much good to anyone. Your own selflessness will actually turn you into a burden to others.

If everybody on the face of this planet took the time to evolve and find their own inner peace think about how much better the world would be. If everyone took responsibility for their own happiness. There would be less crime, maybe even no crime. People would argue less. Families and long lost friends would reunite. And the world would simply be a better place.

Do your part to take care of yourself not only for yourself but for your friends and family too.

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